The Things That Matter...

It has been six days since I got the good news that I beat cancer. I have had plenty of time to sit back and reflect on this journey that has taught me so much. I suppose if you don't learn from something like this you really can’t grow as a person.  The point to this whole crazy life is to be better today than you were yesterday. I look back and often think about how much has changed. Having cancer gave me this new set of eyes that showed me the truth about people. It's almost like shallow Hal saw the beauty in people who are typically seen as ugly on the outside. I was able to see people for who they were. It was a shock at first. To face the reality of who people really are is jarring. You don't want to even believe what is happening.
It took me some time to see things for what they are. All the positive motivational memes out there can't prepare you for what real life throws at you. Sure they are cool to post on Facebook and tweet out on Twitter. Do they mean something? They do but you can't just read them and move on. You need to truly put these things into practice. You need to have your house in order so that when small issues come up in life they are just that, small issues. Not some major problem you can't handle. If you keep toxic negative people around you your life will become toxic and negative. Keep your house clean.
What does that mean you ask? Your house is your overall state of mind, your well being. Stay focused on keeping the toxic things out of your life and when problems arise they will be nothing to deal with. Life as I have said a hundred times can turn on a dime. My anxiety has been put in its place because I cleaned my house. No meds, no talking to shrinks who just want to put you on meds. You need to fix your diet, get in the gym and stay healthy. It may sound like a broken record. But unless you keep healthy and in shape you will not be able to deal with the problems life throws at you.
I have found my peace. It was out there just waiting for me. Once you come face to face with a major change in life you will see people for who they are. This is an obvious and not something many of you don't already know.  With all that aside I want to get back to my core point to this whole blog.
My kids. Keeping that focus gave me the strength to fight. My daughter really was too young to know seriousness of what was going on. Now that a few years have gone by she actually had a conversation with me acknowledging that I could have died. I am finding it hard to write the next sentence because just thinking about her saying that hits so hard. You can only imagine as a parent if your child has to see you go through something like that. It's still hard to put into words. All I can say is that it's never too late for a bedtime story anymore. It's never going to be an excuse that I am busy or work, the band, my busy schedule. None of that matters when you spend time with your kids knowing life can turn on a dime.
Being alive to see my son turn twenty and my daughter turn nine. How amazing is that? Getting see my son grow up to become a man, a great hockey player and a thoughtful person. My daughter I just look at how sweet she is then I see myself in her and laugh. I got work to do there for sure. I can't stress enough how amazing it is now to see every candle being blown out on a birthday cake. Every gift being opened and every new life experience, good or bad. It is all important. God has a funny way of showing you what is important in life
Well here we are. There are a few more follow up appointments in a few months and then It's once a year for routine follow ups. Did things go back to normal? No. I suppose I am in a new normal. A new life I guess you can say. To echo my last post, it's all about personal growth. I am looking at this as a second chance at life. I am taking nothing for granted. 

SMIB \m/

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