What about Bob?

Sometimes it hurts. This recovery thing isn't always easy. I have noticed lately that my body is not at one hundred percent. And it reminds me that constantly. I have had some days that just don't work for me and others that are great. There is obvioulsy no easy way to recover from cancer. The fact that I was pumped with so much poison is proof that it does really mess with your body. No looking back now that part is over,  now I have to look to the future. The future is best faced without any worry. I do my best to live day by day, hour by hour. I am happy to say that soon I will have my personal training business up and running.  I have been trying to work out the logistics. The new website will launch soon and I hope to start helping a whole new group of people achieve their weightloss goals.
Along with the new personal training site I have been working on new music and getting things ready for the band to get back out and play. But just like Bob I am taking baby steps. It is one of the most important rules I have learned in the past few years. I have always had this issue with trying to get to much done too fast. Learning to slow down and take baby steps and doing things slow was hard for me but I did it. Even though I still get that impulse to get shit done quick I step back and realize that it works out better when I take my time.
Things in life never always go as planned and there is always setbacks and bumps in the road. The difference is how we handle this. As long as you stay the course and keep our focus on our goals you will always achieve them. Well this was a quick update. I have been crazy busy and need to slow down get back to life. Sometimes we get so busy with things that are non important. After going through cancer  you put things into perspective and you realize what is and what isn't important. I know that the path I am on now is going to take me where I want to go. Even if I am not happy with hat I need to do to get there. Again... baby steps. Thanks Dr. Leo Marvin!
 Keep up with me on my all my social media sites and look for my new personal training site to be live soon. And be sure to stop by and check out whats new with the band at www.catalanoband.com

SMIB \m/

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