Mail Bag...

As I promised this will be a Q and A blog tonight. I have picked a few of the questions I have gotten this week. Please continue to send in more in the next coming weeks. Before we get started with questions I can say today was a very decent day. Got some great sleep and today has been an anxiety free day. No real crazy shit besides being tired. Again that is one of the worst things towards the end of all this is just how tired I have become. I think that is one of the main fears I have that after all this I will never regain my strength. I know that is silly to think. When you are in the middle of this you don't see it that way.
I know that once this shit is out of me I will start to regain my strength and feel a whole lot better. Time is all it will take. I just have to be patient and take my time. I need to learn my lesson on rushing things. Every time I do I suffer the consequences. I am not a fan of that. The last few times I thought I was Mr. Tough guy and kept thinking that four days after chemo I was ok to start doing more than I should. Now I move slower and just make sure my body rests when I need to rest. I have come to terms with that and I am ok with it. I was not ok with it for a while there. I either was crazy or just had no concept of time after chemo days. I say I was just crazy.
Ok well let's get to some of these questions I have collected over the last couple of two, tree days shall we. I will keep these anonymous and I did get a few questions that were basically the same so I will combine those. If you don't see your question word for word that is why.

This one was a popular question. How did I find out I had cancer. Well I know I never started the blog from the very start of all this. It was weeks before I started my treatments. I never went over it and some day will do a whole post on how it went down. The short answer is I woke up one day with a lump on my neck. One of my lymph nodes was swollen. After a few days of it not going away and figuring it was not something like strep I went to the ER for tests.

What is the worst side effect from the chemotherapy. Well I can't say one is the worst because they equally all suck ass. But if I had to pick just one it would be neuropathy. Thank god I don't get it very often but when I do it is horrible.

Do I still believe that eating Non GMO foods is better than eating conventional foods. Yes I do. Listen I know I go on and on about Non GMO and how bad the rest of the shit is out there. Do I eat pizza every now and then. Fuck yeah I do. But the bulk of my diet is always going to be organic clean non GMO foods. I didn't just get cancer because I always ate good. If we all remember I was fat, out of shape and ate shit food. I had no idea what Organic was lol. So yes I will always be a big believer in Non GMO Organic foods.

I got a few of these so this one is combined. Am I going to continue with my plans of personal training and becoming a nutritionist after I get better. Yes Yes and Yes. That was the plan before this and will be after. I started working on my nutrition but already became a certified personal trainer. So once I am better that is the plan.

No shit this was a real question. What do you like on your pizza. Well I really love thin crust with sausage green peppers and onions. But has to be red onions. That's if I order out. If I make it myself it's fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, basil and sun dried tomatoes.

When you found out you had cancer were you scared. Yes. I was terrified. No one wants to hear those words. but somehow for some reason I went into survivor mode for the first few weeks getting all my tests done and getting ready for chemo. It wasn't until after my first chemo treatment when I sat quietly and took it all in did I break down and realize what the hell happened to me.

Whats up with Catalano, are there plans to continue with the band. Well "OBVIOUSLY" I can not do anything right now. But my brother and I have been working on new music for a new EP that we will be recording next year. If all goes to plan we will be out playing sometime next year. I also have a other stuff in the works. I been bored just sitting here the past few months lol.

What is your favorite Star Wars Movie. Ha good question! I have to go with The Empire Strikes Back. Just an awesome dark movie. Can't wait for the new one!!!

Ok Kids well That is that for tonight. Thank you for the questions. Please keep them coming in and as you see ask me whatever. I will do my best to answer. remember just email them to 

SMIB \m/
