Fat Elvis

Today hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Although I did sleep so damn good last night and that helped with how I felt today. As long as the rest of the week goes like this I will be happy.  I have acupuncture tomorrow and that will help me more. The heartburn finally is gone and that helped me sleep last night and rest today. My other side effects like chemo brain drive me crazy but are manageable. Of course the muscle pain and stiffness is insane at times but I deal with it best I can. There is this feeling I can't even begin to explain. It's almost like a burning feeling. Like your head's on fire and it's annoying.
It comes and goes and chewing some ice helps cool me down. All part of the chemo running though me. It's not the most pleasant feeling in the world. I am just trying to remain in a calm and cool collective state lol. I am starting to feel like fat Elvis. Although my fate will not be overdosed on a toilet. Sorry King but I have other plans. I am trying to keep a headache at bay because I can't take anything for it. There is no way I want to suffer through a simple headache. 
Not much else I can really say besides today was decent day considering. This shit really is testing me though I can tell you that much. Knowing how close I am to finishing treatments really can make someone go crazy if you don't get a handle on it. I know some days I get pissed about the way I feel. Those are days that do get tough. As long as the anxiety stays away that's all I can say. That is my biggest nemesis during all this. I can be wolverine all I can with all the shit I am suffering with. Anxiety gets me every time. 
I keep my sense of humor as best I can though all of this. I know some people just can't comprehend the effects that chemo has on a person. It's just something that I still can not wrap my mind around. The worst part is getting close to feeling like myself then it's taken away so fast. Looking back is not an option. I catch myself doing that from time to time. I think back to that day before all this happened. I know that's just the same as torture. I do it regardless. That is something I need to stop doing and just keep looking forward. In the meantime how about some tender roast beef!

SMIB \m/  
