Do you remember when there was only a few TV channels and you got to stay up late every once in a while for a feature movie. Or if you were lucky mom and dad let you stay up and watch Lawrence Welk. Not that he was cool lol but it was what they were watching and you just had to shut up and watch that or go to bed. Then there was Friday night videos and you got to jam out to the best the 80's had to offer. Ahhh those were the days right? Now we have over 200 channels and you are watching the same shit we watched back then. It is funny how technology has brought us farther apart as a society. It is cool that Facebook has us in touch with family from across the globe. you can share your life with them on there. But think back to those days where we had a hand full of channels and things were simple. Remember your birthday? you would get calls and cards or even people show up to say happy birthday.
Now? Don't even bullshit me, you can't remember any ones birthday unless Facebook reminds you. You never call you just post a happy birthday on that persons time line and go about your day. Rush off to get your coffee or your lunch. Just go, go, go. We never do anything like the old days. I guess some people like the convenience of it all. Some days I look at my cell phone and think, god we are so attached to this dam device. Everything is there. I don't even remember my own phone number without looking at my phone. I don't know some days I crave for those old days to come back. I don't mind call waiting though, That busy signal was a bitch right? If you call somewhere and get a busy signal today you are in shock lol. What the hell was that. I am sure to kids a busy signal is an old relic like the turn table. I remember my son asking me once where the CD went in my turn table. Oh I had to laugh.
Today we had a ceremony for my friend and Masonic Brother Shawn. Remembering him and his life. This made me think how crazy it is that people do not get to know one another as we did in the past before technology took our lives over. Now you are a Facebook page. I AM NOT A NUMBER... I AM A FREE MAN!! We are just a page on the Internet. If you want to know something about someone you just stop by and stalk them on Facebook. Honestly you see what they want you to see. You don't get to know the real person. It is a shame that we have come to this. We have boiled it down to this. I talked a lot about slowing life down and looking at the big picture in life. I am so proud that I have people in my life that I can honestly say are real friends. I look around and see so many fake people in life.
People need to step back from the tech and look look back at the days when we had to be in when the street lights came on. Back to the days when things were simple and we lived simple.
I feel sorry for this generation that will never know that life was so much better. Today we have people killing cops and cops killing people. Everyone says their lives matter. As to poke at the other side that their lives do not. We live in a time where our society is split apart worse than ever. I never really talk politics or religion. These are subjects I care not to talk about because all it does is split apart the room with who's wrong or who's right. And in who's eyes is one side really wrong or right. I am not out there hugging trees but things need to change because It's just a shame that we live like this when we should have come such a long way as a species.
Well i am off my soap box. I had a decent day today with some anxiety that I looked at and told to fuck off. I good friend told me today. Don't let anxiety run your life. for fuck sake you're fighting cancer, that alone is enough. I needed to hear that and put that into perspective. Fuck you cancer Fuck you anxiety. I will suffer yes, Chemo will kick my ass and I will bitch and feel like I want to give up. But I will come out on top. There is no other way this will end but in my victory.
SMIB \m/
Bruce Dickinson - Cancer survivor
I'm in good company!
Keep it up man, you will definitely end victorious and yes, you are in good company w/ Bruce. Shit, Im running out at lunch to grab their new album, cant wait! If he can do it you can dude