Getting Strong Now....

Today could have went either way. I woke up with some anxiety but I quickly did some meditation and relaxed so that it would not take over the day. I was happy to be able to feel strong enough to get out of the house and pick up my daughter from school. I like doing the normal things that make me feel like I am not sick. I am so desperate to just be outside and go do shit. I am so sick of just always being home. I need a change of scenery. At least the week goes on and my side effects are fading into the background. That is my favorite part. When I start to feel somewhat normal but just not quite yet normal. If I was even normal to begin with lol.
I feel pretty good today and I also just had acupuncture. That always adds to it. I say it all the time I feel amazing with this acupuncture. Now I have to relax I have to go back to the hospital at the ass crack of the morning for some tests. Just mid way point tests to make sure the chemo is not killing me in any way. How fun is that, Hey no anxiety right lol. We shall see. I took all these tests before chemo and I was top notch so lets just hope it stayed that way. Other than that I feel pretty good other than my muscles being sore as a mother fucker. I am so sore it's crazy. I really can not wait to get back in the gym this week and get my muscles moving again. So close to this being over and getting back in there every day.
Ok I dwell on that thought every day. It drives me crazy but it also keeps me focused. I have a lot of work to do once I get back in the gym. I need to lose this weight that this shit has put on me. It drives me crazy to have to start over but I did it before I'll do it again. The one thing I know is that I will never let my self go again. Just gaining these few pounds from this has made me feel like shit and a fat ass. So on to making a salad for my meal before I hit the sack tonight. Again today was not to bad at all and I just hope for more like this with a touch more energy. One more day closer and getting stronger. I can hear the Rocky music already!!

SMIB \m/


  1. So awesome man! More than 1/2 way to recovery and hey, it could be worse right? So many cancer patients cant keep weight on so I think I'd rather be in your position. I know it sux after all that work you out into getting fit but you did it once, you'll do it again man.

  2. Yeah I know. I just hate the fact of starting again but at least I am not starting at 100 pounds to lose lol


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