Tell me about it stud..

OH shit I had a day today. I wanted to run out of that hospital today so fast. As soon as I got out of my car I just did not want to go through this today. I was just telling a friend this weekend that I have heard how some people get so fed up that they just stop getting chemo. I started getting so freaked out. I let those feelings get in the way. I can't be that guy. I have to man up and get this over with, The whole feeling of getting chemo is just something no one can understand. I want to thank a very old friend today who sat with me on the phone and helped me though it. This person went through some tough chemo not just a few weeks ago. She was very cool to take her whole afternoon and just talk to me while I had my treatment and kept me calm.
I am strong but all my friends out there give me that extra kick to get me though this shit, So thank you to you guys for being there when I need you. Always a good sign when you have an awesome circle of friends. Today was just tough, I have half way to go but I am so fucking tired of all this. It is just a kick in the ass every few weeks. We all know it by know since I write about it every few weeks. The nausea is not so bad now. It was horrible right after the last drug, It is just the worst feeling when your stomach turns. I just wanted to get in my car and get home as fast as I could. The neuropathy hasn't hit bad yet but it's there. The fucking chemo brain is just way to much. I would say you get used to it after every time but there's no fucking way. It hits you right after the treatment and that's it. You start to feel like shit right away.
Starting to get some mouth sores in my mouth so that sucks. I was told since I didn't get them by now I may not. Well nope they are coming. That was the one side effect I was very happy not to get. So I stocked up on pre made protein shakes so I have what I need on hand and won't bet to harsh on my mouth. Just hope this shit doesn't get any worse. I can only pray it doesn't. At this point I have to keep my mind on the big picture. But I sure hate Chemo day!

SMIB \m/


  1. That fuckin sux dude, so sorry u r going thru this shit. Does the weed help at all at this point? And hang in there man, I know, easier said than done but ur 1/2 way home. Are you playing at all these days? Or too tired? If u r playing, Im thinking u should be writing if ur able to. Seems like all this shit could produce some seriously kick ass music. What the hell, how about a spoof on Your the one that I want LMAO I could just see you playing that

  2. No to tired to even pick up my guitar. Some days I can but not this week. The weed helps but acupuncture is god!! lol that really helps me big time.


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