Mindless TV..

I am not very creative today. That may be due to the BBQ Pit Wars marathon I have been watching all day. Mind numbing TV, but shit I want ribs right now. Well I settled for a kale burger. Not as bad as it sounds, but it is not a burger. My hunger has been off the charts today. I ate a whole tofu pizza. Well, It was like 10 inch pizza with about 4 grams of fat lol. Really wasn't a pizza. Ugh I don't know I am trying hard to eat healthy during all this but the dam steroids they have me on just make me so dam hungry. Nothing I eat keeps me full for more than an hour or so. It is insane. I did hear this would mess with my metabolism. Still I am not wired to eat so much and not work it off in the gym. I eat and I can not do shit because I am so tired. 
That being said, today was not to bad. I was just very tired and was not able to do much. I did shower!! Thank god for that. Some how my nausea has been all over me today. Just unbelievable feeling that I couldn't get rid of. The worst part is now that I have this super smelling, all I smell is something that reminds me of the dam chemo they give me. It sounds crazy and very time I tell someone they look at me like I am nuts. I sell this shit and that just makes my stomach turn. Nothing like being tired and feeling like you are going to puke at the same time that you are starving and need to eat. Not a fun felling. And did I mention I want ribs? I need to turn off BBQ Pit Masters. Anyone watch this show. I mean they are very serious about BBQ. They don't fuck around. I see ribs in my future. 
Moving along, acupuncture was awesome today. I really got a nice boost of energy after my session. It's amazing I walked in half asleep and walked out feeling very decent. Of course I wasted all that energy on doing dishes. Shit is what it is kids. At the end of the day I had no signs of anxiety and to me that is a big difference from the last chemo week. I was knocked out for a whole week with anxiety. It was a on again off again all week and that was annoying, So thank god this week has been quiet. So besides the mind numbing TV all day, I had a decent day. I do hate the fact that I am stuck in the house all week. I just do not have any energy to do anything. And with chemo brain I really cant be driving anywhere. So I sit here and just try to do what I can. Few more days and I should start feeling better. 

SMIB \m/


  1. Hang in there Pat, one day at a time. Shit, kids are almost back to school already, you got this man

  2. Pat, I am thinking about you and your journey. Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon....hang in there bro. You are inspirational, and thanks for posting this blog.

  3. Pat you are the master of your own survival, that being said good thoughts are great thoughts, winning this struggle is what you will do, mind is the muscle that controls it all, you got this in the bag son, believing is its all about 😉 stay strong .. With ya in spirit


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