Going 15 rounds with Clubber Lang

Well Sunday night is here and I am ready for tomorrow. I start my blog early because I am going to hit the sack early tonight. I need to be there early in the morning to see my oncologist before my treatment. Check my counts on and on. Lol I get tired of all the poking and blood drawn over and over,  but it's only twice a month. I get nervous every time I am about to get my next chemo session. It's a mind fuck like I said before. It is just the whole, what will happen next feeling. No one likes the unknown, and I believe that is what everyone is afraid of. If anyone tells you otherwise they are full of shit. But on to the next round of the fight. The bell rings and in the ring I go.
So although I did not hit the gym today I did go to Costco. I think that should be consider cardio walking though that place. I was busy all day running around and trying to get everything I need done so that this coming week I can just relax and deal with the chemo. I will only get out for my acupuncture session but other than that when I have energy I just go for a walk at night and get some fresh air. I been checking my blood pressure everyday, twice a day and it is spot on so I am feeling good about that. I need to get off these dam pills again. I worked so hard to get all that weight off and get healthy that it really stings to have to get back on meds. All the working out this week has me sore and I can not tell you how awesome that feels.
Keeping my self busy all day today kept my mind off tomorrow. I will always hate the feeling that I get before I go in for a treatment. You think to yourself that this is helping you. This is killing the cancer. But the side effects are just enough to kick your ass and that is the part that sucks it's as bad as going 15 rounds in the ring with Clubber Lang. I know the routine now with my body and how I feel what and when. I can tell once the steroids wear off  how I lose energy so shouldn't be a big surprise. Yet it is still nerve wracking to sit and go though that. Again it is the whole not having control over your body. Just have to make it though that week of shit and get back on top.
Another short post today. I know the last few posts towards the end of the second week are short and boring but when I feel good there is nothing to really update about. I am not complaining at all trust me. I pray every day that I will have weeks like this though the whole processes. I know it can't be but I can pray and do everything in my power to stay strong and healthy on my part. As long as you keep your mind clear of all the garbage and just focus on what you want in life you can accomplish anything. You can always control what you eat and how much you exercise an that will effect your over all well being. I am amazed over the past 2 years how I feel compared to how I felt back then. You really change everything and your whole life changes in the process.
Well I will bring this to a close, I am hungry and need to eat then meditate and get ready for tomorrow. Thank you all again for being there for me. It is very much appreciated and words can not express the thanks I feel.

SMIB \m/


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