
Hey all. Today was a better day. Seams like my side effects hit me a bit harder this time around. I am not to happy about it but I survived it. The acupuncture is a huge help. I am so happy my oncologist suggested I try it. The nausea was a bitch this time around. It was hard to keep it at bay. The pizza, well my stomach was not happy with me this morning. I have been sleeping a whole lot better since I started the acupuncture. So I have been sleeping late. I wanted to get to the gym today but realized being a holiday weekend the gym was probably going to be full of people that only go on days off. So I got a small workout in at home and did some stretching and yoga. Honestly I say yoga just imagine me falling over a lot lol. I try to do it.
So after my workout I did have a bit of nausea again. It was just hanging on me all day. The chemo brain gets annoying. I know I keep saying that over and over but dam, It can drive you crazy of you are not careful. My apatite is off the hook. I am so hungry it's crazy. I try so hard to stick with my normal diet but I am going to eat my fridge soon. I keep eating my normal 6 small meals a day. Usually I can eat a meal of protein and good carbs and be ok for 2 1/2 hours and then I get hungry. But now that my workouts are not an everyday hard core workout like they were I am trying to make sure I don't over eat. The last thing I want is to go backwards after all that work I did. I am stocked up on veggies and fruits and clean foods that I eat all the time. I just run to the fridge eat a bunch of celery and grab an apple and in an hour I could eat a... well a burrito lol Ok all seriousness, I need to get some ideas for more filling foods because I will go broke buying food every few days at the rate I am eating.
 I feel better after my acupuncture session today. It helped my nausea and the dam neuropathy. Those two were the worst this time around so this was great to help me feel a bit more normal today. If Baymax was to ask me if I was satisfied with my care, I would say yes. There was the day really in a nut shell. Another day closer. That's the way to look at it. I am taking it easy tonight and going to hang out with my parents out by their house tomorrow. Watch fireworks from their driveway and just chill.
Hope you all have a great 4th of July. Stay safe and have fun.

SMIB \m/


  1. Try and enjoy your 4th of July weekend!! Oh and the visual I got of you doing yoga was quit comical.. Lol keep it up Pat hugs 😊

  2. Yoga and I are not a good fit; I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I'm glad the acupuncture is helping as well as the clean eating. Keep the faith! I've got you in my prayers.

  3. Thats great that you have an appetite Pat. I know that can be a struggle with alot of people going thru yhis

  4. Thats great that you have an appetite Pat. I know that can be a struggle with alot of people going thru yhis


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