Whatchu talkin bout Willis?

So I though somehow that I would be ok today. lol Yeah that is so not the case. I had to think back to the last 2 Fridays after chemo and I realized those were not very good days either. I woke up ok had my breakfast and did my stretching. Took a shower had a protein shake and off I went to whole foods to get a few things for dinner. Put power steering fluid in the car because now that's a whole thing that needs to happen until I replace the rack and pinion. Then off to the store. As I stood in an isle looking at the shelves I started to get a bit tired. So out I went and got my ass home. Once I got in the house I was so dam hungry. It was like I haven't eaten anything in hours. So I made a quick meal that was it. I had to pass out. I just used up all my energy.
Granted I was up a whole lot earlier today than my normal days. So I got a early start to my day. But I just used to much energy obviously. This is the worst feeling so far. I can't complain I know people get it worse than me. I get tired.. oooooh big deal right? Just sucks when you need to stop right there and then , lay down and that's that. These are the times you just want to look at your body and say "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" This is all we got in the tank? And yeah that's all you get in the tank. Took me 6 hours of just laying in bed to be able to even get back up again. That is a crazy ass feeling.
At this point I need to not get so excited to get back to normal. I felt so amazing last week that I had hoped that by today I would start to feel some of that come back. But again thinking back to the last few Fridays after chemo I went through basically the same thing. Guess I should go back and read my blog. Ok so time to regroup and figure out what the hell is going on. I did just push to much today thinking I was able to get out and do shit. Strike one! I wont make that mistake again. Just not fun when you are laid up on your ass and not able to do shit. When I have so much to do but your body just will not cooperate is enough to make you nuts.
Lesson learned today. Always listen to my body and keep checking back on my blog to see how I have been feeling as time goes on here. I know that chemo is cumulative so as I go down this road it just gets harder. May take a few more days that I thought to get back on my feet than it did the last time. Well if that's what it is then that's what it is.
I had a good dinner with heavy carbs to just give me some energy to stay on my feet. The other thing that bothers me is the way this cancer has changing my diet where I eat things I normally wouldn't eat unless I was working out. But you need to eat for how you feel and feed your body with what it needs. I guess I can label today as a shit day with a sliver lining.

SMIB \m/


  1. Thinking and praying for you! Glad that you are blogging about your journey..it is brave and beautiful. Lots of electrolytes, too. Love ya!

  2. Body is going through changes as you continue through this path to healing and the greatest fight of your life.. New limits not as they were before but it's not to say it won't be back to what you're used to, just not now.. One day at a time \m/ soon enough you'll be rocking it out \m/


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