I had an awesome day today! Hit the gym again and had a very good workout. Got to do some good and long needed back workouts. That felt great to just start using my back muscles and get the blood flowing again. As usual I use minimal weights but hell, It felt awesome. This kept my energy level very high today. That was the best part. I was able to get so much done today. And if this keeps up, I hope to get a lot done this weekend before I go in Monday for the next chemo treatment. God to I not look forward to next week. Just to know that this awesome feeling I have will be gone for another week. Today was another day that everything felt great. The only reminder is this dam usb port. I an really feel it when I work out. Its right there under my skin so when my muscles move this thing just gets annoying.
At the end of the day I say fuck it. Deal with a little annoyance just to get to work out and feel awesome. Plus now that I had to be put back on Blood Pressure meds after this whole ordeal, It's important to me to keep working out to help with the blood pressure. Since I lost weight my Bp was normal and I was off my medication from when I was a big boy. Now the doctor thinks that my anxiety and stress has a big part to why my blood pressure shot up. Well no shit! My blood pressure was fine when I went in to see the doctor and after they said hey you have cancer it shot up. Go figure. So now I have to check it twice a day and keep a record of it so we can determine if I really need the medication. My goal is to stay off of them.
I have enough poison running though me that I don't need any more. I hate the idea of being back on them but it is what it is. Working out and eating healthy is a big part to keeping your blood pressure in check. That's a no brainier so I want to keep this going as much as I can. So good day all around and I really feel good today. Being in the gym just makes me feel normal. Normal as I keep saying is great! It helps my attitude and my positive thinking. I know as always I have a long road a head but I got this shit! I feel strong and I feel that I am in great shape to keep fighting. I was so worried about losing some muscle and to stop the progress I have made thus far.
My oncologist said to me "look at it this way, you are in amazing shape so you built up a bank account of muscle and health and now you need to use up some of it" If I look at it that way I can make reason out of it all. So I use up some of what I did to fight for my life. I guess if I was training for survival, THIS IS IT! I will get it all back once I am better. The biggest part of it is that I will never lose the desire and drive to work out. It is in my blood now. It is my norm. In the end I will get it all back plus.
Again another big thank you to those who have been in touch with me privately and helping me or just to check on me. Love you guys you are all awesome.
SMIB \m/
Yep, the hair and muscle will return Pat, no biggie and you are doing awesome man. Ive seen so many people go thru this that just hang it up and hope for the best. You are the kind of person that inspires others going thru this to kick Cancer's ass. Good job man.