El Diablo

Very awesome day today due to a great workout this morning in the gym. Today was one of those days that I have been wishing for last week so that was great. No chemo brain no other side effects to ruin my day besides just not having the normal energy level I want. Other than that it was all good. Got the workout in then spent time with my daughter watching cartoons. That's always fun and gives me an excuse to watch them. Then got to hang out with an old friend for a bit at Super Dawg although I didn't eat anything just sat there to chat for a while.And how funny they had a bunch of people there in super hero costumes and had a booth for the American cancer foundation. Talked with them a bit and got some great info I will follow up on. Then hit some grocery shopping and that folks was my day. Yup uneventful and boring. But none the less it was a good day and again as I say a good day is a win in my book. 
I think how funny it is that chemo week is so bad and that I feel like such shit that I can't take it. If I can only hold on to how I feel right now mentally to reassure myself next week.. Ah I can dream can't I? Hopefully I will do that and save myself a lot of bullshit and self pity nonsense. Then again you can't control anxiety. Such is life kids. Well with that being said I am enjoying a Saturday night in with my Xbox courtesy of my brother who let me borrow it so I do not go insane just sitting in the house for a week. So It's me and Diablo 3 kickin it old school Xbox style. 
Hope you all enjoy your Saturday night. And yes I will not bullshit this is a short post because I am kicking ass on Diablo :)

SMIB \m/


  1. Fuckin A dude, gotta love Diablo III and the top down shooter old school style stuff. Bad ass game. My question is though, are you sure the chemp brain didnt kick in cuz I cant think of an explanation for being at SuperDawg and not eating SuperDawg lol Totally my weakness. Glad I live 20 miles or so away od Id look like a fucking SuperDawg

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I deleted one, sometimes it adds the same comment twice

  4. Sorry, I deleted one, sometimes it adds the same comment twice


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