The long road...

Since my last blog post things have been a bit crazy. Happy to say that they have slowed down to normal now. I am feeling great and getting stronger every day. I have been doing great not thinking so much about my upcoming scan and follow up appointments. It almost deflates you when you get a call from the doctor while your in the gym feeling somewhat normal for a change. I have been doing great with keeping the whole cancer thing out of my mind. Just trying to focus on moving on with life. I have been focused on my personal training and also looking for a full time job. 
I have to get back out there so I have been sending out my resume and getting some great responses. I have some interviews set up for the next week or so and they look promising. I think getting back to work will help me get back to normal. Or my "new" normal I suppose. 
I have been reaching out trying to help others who are just starting treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I have had people contact me through my blog and friends of friends who know someone who just need someone to talk with. It is key to have people you can talk to during these times. It feels good to be able to help others understand they can beat this. Let them know they are not alone. Other than that nothing really exciting has been happening. The new normal is going to take time to get used to. Still in every twist and turn life brings I roll with it. 
No one said that life was going to be easy. Let alone tossing cancer into the mix. This new life I have is a gift and I am doing what I can to enjoy every moment of it. This time last year I was in the thick of my treatments. The chemo really had a hold on me by this time. I remember feeling so sick and not having the energy to do anything. Getting up now every day and having the strength to do what I used to do before is a great feeling. It is a bit hard to deal with the mixed emotions that you feel after you have gone through all that. I guess I still don't have a grip on that concept. Time will heal I suppose. For now I am just staying busy and keeping my mind focused on staying healthy. Its a long road to get there. No short cuts if you want to get there the right way. 
Till next time...

SMIB \m/ 

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