Look to the cookie!

Today Is the start of my week. It's the day where I feel the most normal and am able to start going to the gym. That alone makes me feel normal. I haven't gotten my results from my petscan. I called my oncologists office they told me she would go over the results with me on Monday. I will wait. They love to make you wait. Still I have good feeling about it so I am not worried. I don't even want to think about Monday right now. I just started my good week. I have till Sunday to get all my shit done and get a good 5 day work out in. The hardest part now is to try and feel normal for the next 5 days and not think about any of this shit. Keeping your mind focused and positive is the best thing for the off week. I never let anything small get in my way or get me upset during the good weeks.
The one thing I am ready for is to get this dam port taken out. I can't tell you how much I hate this dam thing. It really is the most annoying feeling in the world. Not being able to get comfortable at night is a real bitch. But I deal with it for as long as I have to. Although Last night I had my medicinal cookie and I slept like a baby. Honestly nothing bothered me after that cookie :) Look to the cookie. That's my new outlook. If everyone just looked to the cookie this would be a happy place. That's it kids. Just had a decent day and looking forward to more this week.

SMIB \m/
