I am Groot

I am so tired today there is not much for me to write. I woke up, I ate I showered and I sat around. The feeling of being this tired is just impossible to get used to. I wonder sometimes if I will ever feel like I rested enough. Not much to really say some anxiety today. Not to bad though. Just the dam feeling that I can't do anything gets me agitated. I swear once I beat this shit if anyone ever hears me say I am tired you have permission to smack me upside the head. All this laying around gets old very quick. Anyway Laughter is the best medicine blah blah blah. I am off to get more rest and just keep watching TV. I think I am on the second rotation of Captain America Winter Soldier. Which is ok since I think it is one of the best Marvel films so far next to Guardians of the Galaxy. Back to staring at the boob tube. 
More news when I have energy Peace out.

SMIB \m/
